Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The haves and have-nots

So, here is what I have.  I have a lovely wife and two great kids (both under age 4).  I have a house with a lawn, and all the awesome issues that come with home ownership.  I have a job that keeps me busy 40 hours a week. I have not enough time in the day.

What I do not have is a hobby. I've tried a few things over the last 5 years, but nothing sticks... but let's face it, if I had a hobby, where would I put it?   Ok Ok...no whining.  The point is, I want some creative outlet.

So, let's bring these things together.  I have a house full of people and things that need taking care of, and a desire to do something creative.  Alright then, I'm going to take what I have and turn it into my hobby.  More specifically, I plan on tackling all my do-it-yourself projects around my house and document it.  Failures, successes  (most likely in that order) with pictures and comments.  Stick around if you like and enjoy.

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